That's my cupcake!

That's my cupcake!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sidetracks; Man, I really got to start being consistent!

Hey guys, I am blogging again, and how long has it been? Pretty long I am sure, since I last made a post. Anyway, not alot's been going on. Life's starting to get pretty monotonous as usual, with the usual schoolwork, tests and more schoolwork. Recently, the National Day is approaching, and so as usual, there will be a parade, and I am in the GOH or Guards Of Honour contigent once more. Seems as though a spot in there's been marked out for me. Anyway, tiresome trainings have started, and up till now, we are only left with another training before the big one next week. My legs were pretty uptight during today's training as I had just ran five rounds for the first time in a long while two days back. It felt great to be running again, but I am really scared about my knees... Anyway, mega-stress tomorrow as I have to deal with three tests, double maths and chemistry. Ouch. Homework to be done as well, but I am getting there, hahahahaha. Well, that's about it for this post, sorry it's so short, but there really hasn't been much for me to chat about. Till then, catch you later. By the way, hope you guys appreciate the change in font colour, hahahahaha, realized that the previous one hurt, so there you go. The music's rather awful, I know, try to bear with it...