That's my cupcake!

That's my cupcake!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I have finally hit realization! Finally, I have made my resolve. I have decided to EAT! Of course, the moderation would still have to be there, but I had practically spent quite sometime thinking about it, and by chance, I stumbled upon a website, that finally showed me the flaws of my own dieting plans. I have realized that if a person does not eat enough, not only does it affect his or her growth, it damages the body in many other harmful ways as well. What's worse is that if a person doesn't eat enough, his or her metabolism rate would decrease, and metabolism's exactly what we need to burn away those fats underneath our skin, and with a decrease of it, the person could end up having a adverse effect in the diet plan. First of all, the rate goes down, meaning to say, less fats would be burnt, and following that, with less fats being burnt, that person might even end up gaining back fats! So I have decided to eat, and I am quite happy of this resolve I made, because now I don't have to feel guilty for eating the things I loved in the past, (but there's no way I am going to let myself balloon back to the size of my fridge)but of course, exercise would still be needed, other than that, it's back to typing stories!

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