That's my cupcake!

That's my cupcake!

Monday, February 12, 2007


Alright, here's what happened today. Basically, the usual stuff (I seem to be saying that more often than not now), studying, and sleeping during lessons (hah!), making teachers mad (that ain't me doing the dirty work), and listening to my classmates' nonsensical dialogue over and over again. Well, nothing interesting may have happened today, except for maybe, that I had a sudden wave of inspiration to do well for my 'Os' next year. Wow, time flies, doesn't it? It certainly feels that way. I feel that life is so short all of a sudden. I mean, a lifespan ranges from seventy to who knows what. But still, it feels short in a way, because seeing the years go by at such velocity, I feel somewhat upset that the years on Earth could not be dragged alittle further. I am not being a pessimist here, but I'd just like to emphasize that, maybe, just maybe, you would like to know that life IS too short, and that perhaps, instead of thinking about stuff like, "going to sleep the entire afternoon through, "hey, time for my X-Box when I get home (don't give a damn about the upcoming common test)" and what's not. I feel that time should be spent wisely, and one should live life to its fullest. However, the Earth has revolved into such a manner that even if one wishes to live life to its fullest, he or she is unable to do so, because of the lack of capital, and other factors that has emerged from the humans ever since a long time ago. I feel a sense of deprivation, that I need something more satisfying than just to stay at home, wilding my time away, on the computer. I feel that I need to do more, before its too little too late. Alright, I think I am going to leave you to think about what I have just typed, and I hope you gain some sort of realization from it, and please don't be so childish as to think otherwise. Live life to its fullest if you can. Ciao.

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