That's my cupcake!

That's my cupcake!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Final Fantasy Advent Children MV

Great music to a great show, don't ya think?

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Naruto Shippuuden OP


Monday, February 12, 2007

Michael Jackson - Beat It

Even though he is no longer as popular amongst the people, but he is and will forever be a legend, don't mind me, I just appreciate his works when he was good. Now, it's just that life's unpredictable, but I certainly hope that people will understand that its still alright to listen to his songs because they are ever so good during their time.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow (Hey Oh)



Alright, here's what happened today. Basically, the usual stuff (I seem to be saying that more often than not now), studying, and sleeping during lessons (hah!), making teachers mad (that ain't me doing the dirty work), and listening to my classmates' nonsensical dialogue over and over again. Well, nothing interesting may have happened today, except for maybe, that I had a sudden wave of inspiration to do well for my 'Os' next year. Wow, time flies, doesn't it? It certainly feels that way. I feel that life is so short all of a sudden. I mean, a lifespan ranges from seventy to who knows what. But still, it feels short in a way, because seeing the years go by at such velocity, I feel somewhat upset that the years on Earth could not be dragged alittle further. I am not being a pessimist here, but I'd just like to emphasize that, maybe, just maybe, you would like to know that life IS too short, and that perhaps, instead of thinking about stuff like, "going to sleep the entire afternoon through, "hey, time for my X-Box when I get home (don't give a damn about the upcoming common test)" and what's not. I feel that time should be spent wisely, and one should live life to its fullest. However, the Earth has revolved into such a manner that even if one wishes to live life to its fullest, he or she is unable to do so, because of the lack of capital, and other factors that has emerged from the humans ever since a long time ago. I feel a sense of deprivation, that I need something more satisfying than just to stay at home, wilding my time away, on the computer. I feel that I need to do more, before its too little too late. Alright, I think I am going to leave you to think about what I have just typed, and I hope you gain some sort of realization from it, and please don't be so childish as to think otherwise. Live life to its fullest if you can. Ciao.

Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.

Muahahahahaha! I finally learnt how to post videos on my blog! Not too great an achievement to some, but heck, I had to go through twenty websites to get this done! (Because I was rather foolish, yes I know, shut up, go boil your head or something.) Anyway, since I love Gorillaz, I thought I might do a rather brief introduction about this video I posted. Basically, this song, Feel Good Inc. was a great hit when it first came out, and it was through this song, from my sources, that made Gorillaz the popular band that they are today. I look at some comments on the video and have decided to post them here. Basically, 'they' say, that this video emphasizes on drugs, and how they make you feel good, but imprisoned too in a way. In the video, 2-D (the blue haired dude that's singing) is actually trapped in what seems to be a huge syringe that's used for the injection of drugs and medicine. Also, inside the syringe, there are fantasies such as women, joy and pleasure, which is shown when the video goes inside the 'syringe'. However, notice that 2-D, is singing in a rather melancholy manner, and seems rather sad as he sings the song. He walks towards the bars, and it looks as though he is trapped in some sort of jail. Thus, once again, this video emphasizes on how drugs imprison a person, although it gives joy, pleasure and makes a person feel good for a certain amount of time. Outside the syringe, is a huge windmill powered island that Noodle (the girl with the sweet guitar) is sitting on. It probably represents freedom, according to the lyrics, "windmill, windmill, for the land, turn forever hand in hand," and so on. Basically, this is the summary of the entire video, I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did, because it certainly had a lot of meaning to it, and I obviously like the tune too.

Monday, February 05, 2007


Alright folks! The results! Apparently, it's almost as though the entire incident was brushed aside! The discipline master didn't talk as much as he usually did though, weird. Anyway, the incident landed up in the newspaper folks, (or so I hear) anyway, if possible, could you guys check it out for me and leave your comments when you are done looking through. Now on to what I did today. Basically, the usual stuff, the normal draggy lessons, and the usual faces at school, but still something meaningful (for me) happened in the afternoon. Yes, today, my interest towards basketball has sparked up again, all thanks to a couple of matches I played with my friends. At first, I found that I was still struggling with the shooting part, and I tend to get over-enthusiastic about the game. However, as the game wore on, I played matches against my friends, and others as well, and some good friends taught me lay-ups, and how to shoot rather accurately into the hoop, with a higher percentage chance of making it. Apparently, I am beginning to feel that the left hand's as important as the right (obviously), but seriously, it's almost as though if I don't master dribbling with the left hand, I won't be able to go past my opponents when being tackled. Thanks to a friend of mine, I learnt how to cut through alittle. Well, that's about it for today's blog, yes, it's all about my basketball antics and be prepared for more bragging (if I get better that is, YOU BETTER PRAY I DON'T BECAUSE YOU KNOW I WILL HAVE LOADS TO TELL!) and till then, ciao.

Friday, February 02, 2007


Muahahahahaha, AGAIN. This time, the evil laughter's for those that have been waiting for my story to appear (thanks for your support mates, but it wasn't worth it >:P) sad news is, IT ISN'T GOING TO APPEAR ANYMORE. Yes, I have stopped typing stories for the time being, though I might, just might, continue during the next break, which would be in March, I suppose? Anyway, today was a chaotic day, dudes and dudettes. First up, it's bright and early in the morning, when I wake up to find myself in my sleeping clothes at six thirty in the morning, on a SCHOOL DAY. I practically had to pinch myself awake, rush into the toilet, shower, brush, and do my usual morning routine before I was finally ready for school. I am quite proud of myself though, because though it sounds as though what i needed to do would have taken more than half an hour, it only took me fifteen minutes, so at forty-five, I was at the gates of the school already. Didn't bother to wait for my friends at the Lousy Railway Train (LRT, ya dig?) this time, and rushed straight to school. So there I was, half-asleep, and half-awake, when an announcement made by the Dipshit...I mean, Discipline Master, jolted me awake. The announcement was as follows: "Students have been keeping books under their tables, and we have decided that after today, we will clear away those books from under the tables, and confiscate them, if anybody wants to collect their books back, they will have to call their parents." The response was light, because most of us thought that this was just another one of those usual discipline announcements that he would make...But no...We were wrong. During the afternoon, I had to leave for a biology practical at polytechnic, and so, the entire biology class left the school, without knowing that whilst we were playing around with deadly chemicals in another school's lab, our own school was doing something deadly behind our backs. Yes, whilst I made drugs, the school's discipline master and his commitee set to work, and bam. The books came pouring like waterfalls (or so I heard) from the highest floor to the bottom, as students tried to save their classmates books as well as their own. It was practically war between students and teachers. As students tried to hide their books, and teachers sought them out only to throw them aside in places like, the field, the toilets and worst still, outside the school compounds (note: I got this information from others, I doubt it myself though.) and as the war raged on, students lost the fight, as the rounds were done, and the teachers took the books into the meeting room, where they tied them up like presents meant for a christmas tree with raffia string. We came back, the Biology students, unaware of the damage that had been done. Since it was CCA day, we had to go to our regular co-curriculum activities, and as we walked around, we saw tears streaming down the eyes of others, and what looked like a warzone. As I sat myself down with the rest of the CCA group, they told me, the innocent and unaware Biology student, what had happened during my absence. The minute I heard, "books" and "gone" I stood up like a magnet rod, and told my other two friends, who were in the same CCA group as myself and the three of us marched off to find out where and what the hell happened to our books. Everything was fine and dandy, because to our surprise, our books had been saved! By our own classmates, who were smart enough to hide it behind the... Yeah, so, it was all right. But I can't say the same about the other classes, for most of them had been more or less ransacked, and burgled, if I may say so myself. Now, as I blog about the entire incident, even as I type, people are also busy typing about their misery and sorrow, of losing their books, to their friends. Right now, none of us want anything more than to get even with the Dipshit of a Discipline Master. Did I say "none of us"? I meant, "none of us other than me" because, what I really wanted to see, is the outcome of this battle between teacher and students. AND SCREW HIM FOR MAKING MY BOOKS GO THROUGH SUCH AGONY! SCREW HIM GOOD, YOU GUYS! I AM CHEERING FOR THE STUDENTS! And yes, I will tell you guys the results when it comes out. Till then, ciao.